Thursday, November 21, 2019

Comprehensive Education Under Re-evaluation Essay

Comprehensive Education Under Re-evaluation - Essay Example This report declares that schools can no longer be afraid of hurting Johnny’s feelings by suggesting he may be better at pursing advanced education in skilled trades rather than insisting that he learn along side of someone who is more suited for a professional career path. Each of these students would be better served if he or she were surrounded by like minded students rather than forced together with students of dissimilar talents and desires. In addition, in the post modern era, segmentation of skills and population within the work environment is understood as strength rather than an obstacle. The differences within the abilities and desires of individuals are strengths upon which businesses are learning to build. Therefore the comprehensive model, which seeks to move all individuals toward a cohesive social organization, may be less desirable in the current age. For this reason, the policy of segmentation, and launching specialist schools is one receiving more attention, and being given more consideration. This paper makes a conclusion that in the CASE seminar discussed previously, one of the visiting professors, in an attempt to support comprehensive education, cited that "The German approach of providing different streams for vocational and academic education is part of the reason for that country's economic success. The time has come when educators supporting the comprehensive model honestly address the widening gap between the goals and the results produced by comprehensive educational models.

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