Monday, September 30, 2019

Health Care System in Korea

Health Care System in South Korea. Health Care system can be defined as the care and service which is been given to any individual by the help of medical and health related professionals. Health care also means to treat, manage and prevent the health of all humans. Health care is an important aspect of life as every individual needs to be healthy, and without health care it is not possible to remain fit. In South Korea National Health Insurance (NHI) compulsorily provides health care.Even the foreigners who reside in South Korea and are registered with the National Health Insurance corporation gets the equal medical benefits and care as the nationals over there get. All the people residing in the country are eligible to health care without considering any nationality or profession. General hospitals, oriental hospitals, public health centre’s and also the private hospitals provides a high quality health services. South Korea is experiencing the sharply increasing life expectan cy. Traditionally people find it a burden to look after the elders in their houses.To tackle with this situation government has launched a Long Term Care Insurance program in July 2008, in almost all the places in South Korea as a Pilot Implementation study. As a result of health financial deficit and increase in the number of elderly population, South Korea is becoming an aging society faster than any other country. Along with the increased number of elders there is a faster increase in the medical expenditure for chronic degenerative diseases, this has become a burden socially. To reduce the burden, especially on the young generation the government is endeavoring, through health care reforms.Increment in the health care facilities and introduction of various other Insurances are the measures undertaken by The MIHWAF. Access to medical care services in South Korea should be addressed due to the regional inequalities. In urban areas there are many private medical facilities located, where as only 79. 7% of population lives in urban areas but there are 92. 1% of physicians and 90. 8% of hospital beds in urban areas. For low income households The Medical Aid Program was launched in 1979 after the promulgation of the Medical Act in 1977.In this program all the expenses on the health care was paid by the government for all those who were not able to afford the expenditures. The Medical Aid Program covered the patients with rare, intractable, and chronic diseases also the children under the age of 18 (after 2004). The government now is facing some difficulties to provide the health care services for the low income people so it has joined hand with the National Health Insurance program for funding the Medical Aid Program. The inequality in the utilization of medical care by cancer patients of south Korea according to the type of medical facilities and survival duration.The cancer patients of high incomes used all the high prices medical services, inpatient and outpa tient care more than the patients with low income. The major tertiary hospitals was very famous for providing better medical care than any other hospitals so all the high income people got them selves treated over there. The inequality in the cancer care expenditure was only in the favor of the high income people as the low income people could not afford it. In conclusion, the income of a person affects the health care system and the facilities they get. Health Care System in Korea Health Care System in South Korea. Health Care system can be defined as the care and service which is been given to any individual by the help of medical and health related professionals. Health care also means to treat, manage and prevent the health of all humans. Health care is an important aspect of life as every individual needs to be healthy, and without health care it is not possible to remain fit. In South Korea National Health Insurance (NHI) compulsorily provides health care.Even the foreigners who reside in South Korea and are registered with the National Health Insurance corporation gets the equal medical benefits and care as the nationals over there get. All the people residing in the country are eligible to health care without considering any nationality or profession. General hospitals, oriental hospitals, public health centre’s and also the private hospitals provides a high quality health services. South Korea is experiencing the sharply increasing life expectan cy. Traditionally people find it a burden to look after the elders in their houses.To tackle with this situation government has launched a Long Term Care Insurance program in July 2008, in almost all the places in South Korea as a Pilot Implementation study. As a result of health financial deficit and increase in the number of elderly population, South Korea is becoming an aging society faster than any other country. Along with the increased number of elders there is a faster increase in the medical expenditure for chronic degenerative diseases, this has become a burden socially. To reduce the burden, especially on the young generation the government is endeavoring, through health care reforms.Increment in the health care facilities and introduction of various other Insurances are the measures undertaken by The MIHWAF. Access to medical care services in South Korea should be addressed due to the regional inequalities. In urban areas there are many private medical facilities located, where as only 79. 7% of population lives in urban areas but there are 92. 1% of physicians and 90. 8% of hospital beds in urban areas. For low income households The Medical Aid Program was launched in 1979 after the promulgation of the Medical Act in 1977.In this program all the expenses on the health care was paid by the government for all those who were not able to afford the expenditures. The Medical Aid Program covered the patients with rare, intractable, and chronic diseases also the children under the age of 18 (after 2004). The government now is facing some difficulties to provide the health care services for the low income people so it has joined hand with the National Health Insurance program for funding the Medical Aid Program. The inequality in the utilization of medical care by cancer patients of south Korea according to the type of medical facilities and survival duration.The cancer patients of high incomes used all the high prices medical services, inpatient and outpa tient care more than the patients with low income. The major tertiary hospitals was very famous for providing better medical care than any other hospitals so all the high income people got them selves treated over there. The inequality in the cancer care expenditure was only in the favor of the high income people as the low income people could not afford it. In conclusion, the income of a person affects the health care system and the facilities they get.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Street Car Named Desire

A Streetcar Named Desire – Final Assessment 1 . The title A Streetcar Named Desire holds both literal and figurative meaning. Blanche DuBois takes an actual streetcar named â€Å"Desire† to transport her to the home of her sister. Blanche is literally brought to the home of the Kowalski's by â€Å"Desire,† but she is also brought there by her very own desire. Blanche's sexual intimacies held with many men has ruined her reputation and driven her out of her home town. Blanche is longing and wishing to start her life over in the town ofElysian Fields with her sister Stella. She feels that everyone in this town will accept her because they are unaware of her secrets and terrible reputation. Blanche is confident in keeping her past a secret and portraying herself to be such a respected and lady-like woman. 2. Blanche DuBois in this novel could be best described as a tragic hero. She is very capable of great deeds but is destined to fail due to such circumstances beyo nd her own control and fatal flaws.Blanche throughout the play is very fragile and delicate after the tragic death of her husband leaving her with the biggest flaw of desire. Blanche after the tragic death of her husband is in great search for a man who will fulfill her desire however, she seems to never get enough. Blanche held many intimacies ruining her reputation and soon left her home town to go live with her sister Stella in Elysian Fields. Blanche trying to portray herself as a respectable lady slowly reveals her secrets without any intentions.Blanche during her stay in New Orleans is in search of respect, love, and care returning to the traditional wants and needs of a woman during her youth time period. Blanche is not used to the way of life in the world during present time. Vanity soon falls into a fantasy that settles in her mind as delusion. Her vanity gets in the way of her love life, leads her to tell lies and believe them, and ultimately leads to her rape carried out by Stanley and resulting in her biggest fall yet. A Street Car Named Desire Blanche arrives in the New Jersey apartment that is owned by the Kowalskis – in particular, her sister Stella and his brother in law, Stanley. Armed with her striking features, poise and seeming forceful characters, Blanche can immediately relay what her character is all about – power, feminism, liberalism, and absurdity.In general, she serves as the epitome of a new-age woman who has led her life badly. Her arrival immediately relegates the persona of her pregnant career-less sister, Stella, as a submissive, dependent, and traditional woman. With regards to first impressions, while Blanche can be viewed with envy, antagonism, or admiration, one can only offer sympathy and frustration to Stella.As for Stanley, he is pretty much the male counterpart of Blanche. He is the embodiment of brutality, abuse, responsibility, sensuality, and excessive power which often exists in many patriarchal societies. Like me, any person who has respect for women would surely hate what he d oes to Stella. Being ignorant of the truth behind the real life of Blanche, Mitch, like Stella, is another pitiful character.b. Discuss the presence of reality & illusion in the play. How is it represented?The sense of reality is presented as a matter of conflict and question not only in the story’s plot but also through its characters. To start with, Blanche lived her life masked by the illusion she creates in order to free herself from the dreadful results of her wrong doings. Stella also lived in an illusion where she regarded domestic abuse as a typical fraction of Stanley’s love for her.Mitch also fell into a whirlwind of illusions that Blanche created. Basically, Stanley is probably the only character who is in touch with reality. The play started with an illusion that Blanche created and the quest for reality is the plot. In the end however, the submission of Blanche to illusion or madness became her reality.c. Do you think Blanche is crazy? Explain.Blanche was already at the brink of insanity prior to her brutal encounter with Stanley. Throughout the story, we can observe that Blanche has carefully crafted her own fantasy world through the characters that she tried to portray – as a distressed damsel, southern belle or the good school teacher. The way in which she tries to conceal her secrets and the lack of malicious intent to actually manipulate other people just demonstrated her inability to interact with others in a sane manner.d. Blanche’s first husband was homosexual (as was Tennessee Williams). Discuss the depiction of homosexuality in the play.Although heterosexual men like Stanley were unfairly portrayed as brutal, one can say that homosexuals were not depicted reasonably in the play as well. Homosexuality was portrayed through Allen Grey, the poet late husband Blanche.His disgust to himself and his guilt which prompted him to commit suicide proved that homosexuality was demonstrated as something that is devastating , disturbing, and self-destructing. For both Blanche and Allen, the effect was extensively disastrous as one died while the other resulted to rebellious madness.e. Is there any villain in the play? If there is, who is it? Explain.To a certain extent, both Blanche and Stanley can be treated as villains. Blanche struggled to ruin the seemingly â€Å"harmonious† life of Stella and Stanley. On the other hand, Stanley abuses her wife and also succeeds in crushing Blanche’s fantasies.f. Do you think Stanley actually harmed Blanche? Do you think she deserved it?The play implies that Stanley has raped Blanche. Regardless of any circumstance, there is no righteous justification for raping a woman. No matter how hideous one’s character may be, no one deserves to be raped.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Digitizing Accounts Payable Documents Essay

When accounting files are sent to the archives at the end of the year, the portion taken up by the accounts payable documents usually exceeds that of all other documents combined. For some companies with high accounts payable files, it is a major expense to remove all the paperwork, box it up and identify it, and ship it off to a warehouse, from which it must be recalled occasionally for various tasks. Digitizing the documents is a means of avoiding the expense of archiving. Digitizing a document means that it is laid on a scanner that converts the document image into an electronic image stored in the computer database, which can be recalled by anyone with access to the database. To digitize a document, there should be a high-speed scanner available that is linked to a computer network. Documents are fed into the scanner and assigned one or more index numbers or codes, so that it will be easy to recall the correct documents from storage. For example, a document can be indexed by its purchase order number, date, or supplier number. A combination of several indexes is the best approach, since one can still recall a document, even if one does not remember the first index number. The document images are usually stored on an optical disk since it can hold enormous amounts of storage space (and digitized documents take up a lot of computer storage space). There will probably be many optical disks to provide a sufficient amount of storage, so the disks are usually stored in a â€Å"jukebox,† which gives the user access to all the data on all the storage disks. Users can then call up the images from any terminal that is linked to the network where the information is stored. There are additional advantages to using digitization of documents. Besides the reduced archiving costs, it is also possible to nearly eliminate the time needed to access documents. With a traditional archiving system, older documents must be requested from a warehousing facility that may require several days to deliver. Even in-house documents may require several minutes to an hour to locate. If customer service is important, and that service is linked to providing rapid access to data, then digitizing documents allows a company to instantly satisfy customer requests for documents by searching the computer fi les for them, no matter how old the documents may be. Another advantage to using digitization is that it avoids having to take out and replace files. Whenever someone removes a file and later returns it, there is a risk that the fi le will be misplaced. Every time a file is misplaced, it will be time-consuming to find it again. By accessing documents through a computer network, there is no need to take out or replace the document—it is always sitting in the same storage location in the computer, and cannot be lost. Yet another advantage is that multiple users can access the same file at the same time. Since it is a digital image, there is no reason why the computer cannot potentially distribute a copy of the digital document to everyone who asks for it, even if they all do so at the same time. Reference link: http://classof1. com/homework-help/accounting-homework-help

Friday, September 27, 2019

Week 2 Survey to address a business problem Essay

Week 2 Survey to address a business problem - Essay Example IE, if a customer withdrew cash and then transferred money from a checking account to a savings account it would be two transactions. A month is defined as a calendar month. Though this research is tentatively designed to find the correlation between possession of a debit card and number of ATM transactions, I have included the variables X1 (balance) and X3 (number of other services used). These may operate as independent or moderating variables. .3 It means in name only, data that consist of observations that can only be classified and counted by category and have no inherent order. For example: The colors chosen by car buyers at a dealership. J____ .8 Numbers assigned to objects representative of the rank order when the distance between each of the measures cannot be determined scientifically. For example, a measure that indicates how a person â€Å"feels† on an issue. C____ .9 Research conducted where one unit is held steady, while the experiment is conducted on the other unit. This is to test whether the experiment itself is the reason for change in the experimental unit. L____ .11 A research question stated in terms of specific testing or measurement criteria. These terms must have empirical referents (this means that we must be able to count or measure them in some way). The object to be defined can be a physical one (a machine tool), or it can be an abstract one (achievement motivation).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Same sex marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Same sex marriage - Essay Example Compare and contrast: Both the same-sex marriage and traditional marriage support the concept of marriage, i.e. the contract between partners. To be specific, same-sex marriages never deny the scope of family in personal life. At the same time, family is the backbone of traditional marriages. One can see that the proponents of same-sex marriage consider that the concept of family can provide legal consent and acceptance in the society. David E. Newton states that, â€Å"The question raised by advocates of same-sex marriage is whether a state can constitutionally refuse to issue a marriage license to two individuals of the same sex† (62). Besides, those who accept same-sex marriage claim that all the rights that are enjoyed by the partners within traditional marriages must be allowed to the partners (say, same-sex). One can see that social recognition is important within the context of married life, and those who are in favor of same-sex marriage or traditional marriage are rea dy to accept the same without any argument. So, the supporters of same-sex marriage and traditional marriage are aware of the importance of family, legal consent, and social acceptance. One can see that most of the marriages (say, traditional) are related to religious belief, morality, and legal/ constitutional support. All the world religions support traditional form of marriage because the same is a contract based upon belief. Besides, the moral side of traditional marriage is related to certain limitations on individuals. At the same time, traditional marriages help to gain legal/constitutional support in the society. On the other side, the proponents of same-sex marriages consider the same as a deviation in sexual interest. They never accept the intrusion of religion into the context of marriage. Instead, they consider that religious belief and marriage are different and individuals must be allowed to lead lives according to their personal interest. If individuals are interested in same-sex marriages, they must be allowed to do so. Peter Strandby states that, â€Å"Finally, gay activists’ claims to full citizenship through equal access to marriage, is denied based on a religious set of beliefs, that homosexuality is morally wrong and that same-sex marriage would threaten existing individual liberties such as freedom of religion and expression† (21). Besides, the supporters of same-sex marriages declare that the society must show readiness to provide legal sanction to same-sex marriages. So, same-sex marriage is symbolic of liberal approach towards sexual orientation. Evaluation: From a different angle of view, the modern world needs to accept that individuals are different in interest, taste, and opinion. Within this scenario, one cannot prove that traditional marriages successfully lead the partners towards individual freedom and happiness. If one is interested in same-sex marriage, one must be allowed to take independent decisions related t o one’s sexual interest. Evan Gerstmann states that, â€Å"In fact, one of the theories that advocates of same-sex marriage advance most ardently is that the heterosexual marriage monopoly is a form of gender discrimination and, therefore, is subject to intermediate scrutiny†

Drugs and safety of teens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Drugs and safety of teens - Essay Example The easy availability of drugs at street corners, students’ hang-out places and even residential areas facilitates the teenagers to remain vulnerable to such drugs. The most worrisome factor that concerns most of the parents is the addictive nature of drugs, as chemical reactions caused by intake of same stimulate and excite the brain; resulting in excessive dependence on these substances repeatedly. As there is no restriction or limitation on the availability of drugs, most teens become victim of drug overdose. This has dangerous repercussions and consequences that can harm the victim mentally and physically, lifelong. Side effects of drugs While discussing on the side-effects of drugs, it is essential to understand that varied substances have different product mix and accordingly can cause several types of side-effects. However many intoxicants like alcohol and amphetamines have direct affect on human brain, as teens start consuming same for stimulation. Amphetamines are ava ilable in different forms like pills, injections or powder that can be snorted and inhaled, which causes the severe damage by getting into the blood stream. However, alcohol, being widely used in our society, is the single most addictive substance that is consumed by teenagers for getting the required stimulation. While it affects our normal brain functions like reflexes, coordination and judgment, teens try to consume an overdose of the same to escape from their psychological pressure and stress. The immediate relief experienced by them with intake of lighter drugs is responsible for the youngsters to upgrade for consuming life threatening substances like inhalants and injections that directly attack the blood cells. Due to their immediate results, in terms of experiencing the height of excitement, teens are tempted to consume such drugs, regularly. In addition, they are available freely everywhere.(Vranken, 2008) Laws and the usage of drugs Referring to the usage of drugs, I regre t to underline that laws meant for preventing the drug abuse have remained irrelevant, as same could not stop their consumption by the teenagers. Contrary to the same, many teenagers have been fined and detained in the juvenile homes and rehabilitation centers. In such detention centers teenagers are placed in custody for violating the laws, mainly for their own and the society’s safety. (Hicks). However, they can interact with hardened criminals, at such centers, which can prove harmful and dangerous for their whole life. Considering such consequences of drug usage, these teenagers are closely watched by the relevant authorities, to ensure that they pay-off their debts and behave in a perfectly normal manner. Repercussions of alcohol consumption Reports of various studies conducted for this purpose have highlighted the dangerous consequences of alcohol consumption. One publication from USA government, â€Å"Prevention Alert†, has listed the side effects of teen alcoho l abuse, which include learning impairments in youngsters that can severely damage their academic career. In one study, it has been found that alcohol dependant teens, in the age group of 15-16, had difficulty in remembering words and simple geometric designs, after a short

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

History in Distributed Databases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

History in Distributed Databases - Essay Example In this scenario, a distributed database design allows the organizations to divide a database over different hardware devices, but with a central management control. The basic purpose of implementing distributed databases is to offer higher reliability and superior performance. Without a doubt, the division of a database into multiple locations can provide a number of advantages to organizations (Holmes; Hoffer, Prescott and McFadden). Additionally, this way of data storage offers superior control over particular data. In this scenario, the load of the database management is divided among several hardware devices and burden of processing is shifted from a single location to multiple locations. Normally, a distributed database is developed on the basis of business departments, or geographical areas or companies. In view of the fact that the database appears at local location to each business department inside an organization hence it offers quicker response times for the database user s. In addition, these departments are also smaller as compared to the size of the overall organization, as a result the processing load over the server also reduces. The research has shown that the majority of organizations prefers to develop distinct business sectors for particular tasks. For instance, organizations can develop different organizational units for human resources, accounting, and sales departments. Moreover, they develop a distributed database to assist in running the operations of particular business units all the way through the company, at the same time as establishing and maintaining authority from a central server. This technique is also useful in separating the data and hardware all the way through the organization, as a result the performance and control over the database also improves (Holmes; Hoffer, Prescott and McFadden). Though, the distributed databases require the development of database using all the traditional techniques of database development excep t they are based on a different perspective. They are being developed to get the advantages of central access by company head office, at the same time as supporting local access for particular company sectors. In this scenario, this database design technique is very useful for organizations that are distributed all over the world. Additionally, these databases are also used by the companies that support multiple portfolios. For instance, a number of industries such as hospitality, manufacturing and banking can take benefits from the implementation of distributed databases. In addition, a distributed database can also be useful in supporting an organization in their accounting unit. Moreover, an international organization that has several offices in various countries of the world can normally develop a distributed database to support its business operations in each country. In this scenario, this division of geographical areas would allow the local country to get access to data and p erform operations faster. Also, the organization would be able to use the central database to get access to data available in each country without having an impact on local application. Without a doubt, distributed databases offer superior reliability and flexibility for the organizations. In view of the fact that the data is located on different servers, hence it can straightforwardly be copied onto new hardware devices and database structures all the way thro

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Coal impact on the environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Coal impact on the environment - Essay Example They tend to have an effect on the air, water as well as the animals. It also harms the health of the human beings (Finkelman et al 1999; Hill 2010). The burning of coal results in the production of many chemical substances which mainly include carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitric oxide. Coal also does not undergo complete combustion and ash is a substance which remains after the combustion of coal. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and it is released in very high amounts by the burning of coal. This increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the air results in increasing the temperature of the world and promotes the phenomenon of global warming. Sulphur dioxide is also a harmful gas and results in the formation of acid rain. Nitric oxide is also a toxic gas which can result in the formation of an even more unstable substance known as toxic and at the same time nitric oxide also has the capability of causing acid rain (International Labour Office et al 1994). The quantity of ash that is released during the process of mining and burning is extensively high. It has been analyzed in the United States on an annual basis approximately 100 million tons of ash is produced due to the combustion of almost one billion ton of coal. Forty percent of the ash can be reutilized for forming other products which include cement but a large proportion still remains. The ash has a tendency to accumulate on land as well as it can make its way towards the water reservoirs and contaminate them by forming acids and follow the process of further addition of metals. Ash is disposed off in areas under the land and it is also kept in ‘ponds’ so that it can stay moistened. If proper regulations are not undertaken underground ash can also enter the underground water. Ponds also need to be checked and regulated because an incident occurred in the year 2008 when there was a spillage of the moistened coal and it resulted in contaminating the water in the river and a group of Tennessee individuals (Hill 2010; Mackenzie et al 2005). The mining of coal also results in the production of radioactive substances; though the quantity of the released substances is not very high. It has been analyzed that the population residing near the coal plants receive a higher rate of contact with these radiations than do the people who reside near nuclear power plants. This is because of the fact that the regulations at the nuclear power plants are strict and hence they minimize the release of radiations into the atmosphere (Hill 2010). The procedure of the mining of coal also carries many environmental affects. The mining which takes place on the surface as well as underground mines result in the contact of the rocks which are made up of sulphur to air and oxygen. This results in the formation of sulphur dioxide. This acid further tends to worsen the effect by acting on the rocks and causing them to release metals. The acid plus the metals gain ways to the water reserv oirs. This results in contaminating the water reservoirs and it harms the life that exists in water. It is found to be harmful not only for the microorganisms in the water but it also results in the death of fishes. These contaminated substances also tend to impact the land as well (Hill 2010; Mackenzie et al 2005). The burning of coal can also result in many harmful effects on the health of the human beings. ‘Black Lung Disease’

Monday, September 23, 2019

Measuring the electrical resistivity of a wire Lab Report

Measuring the electrical resistivity of a wire - Lab Report Example For a piece of the conductor, its resistance is determined using the following relationship; Where, L is the length of the wire where the voltage is measured, and A is the area of the cross-section of the wire. Resistivity is measured in ohm-meters (ÃŽ ©m). The cross sectional area can be determined using the following formula. Conductivity specifies the electrical character of the conductor in terms of its capability in conducting current. Conductivity is measured in units of ohm-meters (ÃŽ ©m-1). Most metals are very good electricity conductors (Bird, 2013). Validity is the process of determining whether or not the obtained data is correct and the degree of its validity (Holm, 2013). The process is done by obtaining the percentage errors in the readings reflecting the data accuracy. Percentage error: In every experiment, error are meant to occur due to measurement accuracies (, 2012). In our experiment, we used the meter ruler where reading were made by eye observation. Direct observation can give different records due to different angles of view. The voltmeter and the ammeter also give wrong readings if they are not correctly calibrated. The next time we perform an experiment on the resistance of the conductor, we would first conduct research on the various factors affecting the resistance of the conductor in use and choose the most effective one. The experiment was performed by regulating the voltage on the circuit. Due to this regulations, the current flowing through the Iron conductor also changed. The reading of the different voltages were recorded and the corresponding current. Resistance was determined from the obtained recordings of the voltages and current. In the graphs obtained by plotting resistance against the length, it can be seen clearly how the length is proportionally related to the resistance. As the length increases so do the resistance. It clearly shows that our graph obeys Ohms law since the line passes

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Charles Booth Essay Example for Free

Charles Booth Essay The social history of 19th century London can only be deduced through the remaining surveys and various documents left from that time period. Charles Booth was an innovative surveyor and social investigator in the late 1800s and formed surveys of the life and labor of the 19th century London population. Charles Booth took initiative to look into the various areas of poverty, but also examined the possible reasons for poverty. Past surveyors did not use accurate methods to create statistics or charts. Most social investigators used observation for their respective purpose. Booth used scientific methods and created better detailed censuses and surveys of London. Booth was the first to make connections and implications of poverty from the areas in which the people lived, living conditions, religious life, and occupation. His methodologies were complex and his conclusions were based upon empirical data. Charles Booth used innovated research methods such as: detailed questionnaires, personal interviews, and visual observations to investigate the cause of poverty. Certain areas in London, for example the East End, were infamously known for its poverty and unfortunate crimes. Many knew only of the conditions in the East End because of authors such as Charles Dickens and George Moore that â€Å"often set their works in poorer parts of town. † The conditions were overly exaggerated and were only representative of a small section of the East End. Inwood describes the situation accurately with his statement, â€Å"how many people lived in squalor and malnutrition was not known, although some writers tried to quantify London poverty, on the basis of inadequate evidence. Mayhew produced many pages of statistics, but most of them referred to the ‘street folk’, beggars, hawkers, scavengers, and entertainers, a tiny proportion of the London poor. † There were other social surveys conducted before Charles Booth started his social investigation, however none were as detailed and representative of the entire London population as Booth. â€Å"Investigative journalist, Henry Mayhew, reported on their interviews with the poor, while a few intrepid social explorers dressed as tramps and experienced at first-hand a night in the casual ward of a workhouse. Nonetheless, there were still no in-depth and comprehensive surveys conducted until Charles Booth. Charles Booth was commissioned by the Lord Mayor of London’s Relief Fund in 1885 to analyze the census responses. Booth felt that the census was disorganized and not an adequate indication of the social problems in London. Therefore, he took it upon himself to fix and reorganize the cen sus. The first meeting was held on April 17, 1886 for the reconstruction of the census. From 1886-1903, Booth continued to use his methodologies to gather data and research the cause of the social problems in London, specifically poverty. Charles Booth studied the integral parts of the city by examining the background information of the citizens of every street in London. He focused his efforts into three main areas: the exploration of poverty, the occupations of Londoners, and the religious influence. Poverty was a major social concern during the Victorian era, as well as a continual struggle with even the most sophisticated societies in the 21st century. Booth found the social problem of poverty an important issue to explore. Poverty maps of Charles Booth were the first color-coded maps during the late 19th century. Booth created a map that encompassed the levels of poverty and wealth with different colors ranging from black to yellow to indicate a specific level of poverty that was placed directly to the London address of the household. There were eight poverty levels labeled A-H; with the lowest class labeled with the letter A and increasing in wealth with the wealthiest class labeled with the letter H. The hierarchal poverty classification system starts at the bottom with letter A and color black, which includes the criminals, street sellers, occasional laborers, and loafers. Letter B is the color dark blue and includes the very poor, casual earners that work no more than 3 days a week, and the persons that are â€Å"mentally, morally, or physically incapable of work. † Letter C includes the persons of â€Å"intermittent earnings† and an income of â€Å"18-21s for a moderate household,† laborers with irregular work,† and the â€Å"poor artisans. Letter D includes the â€Å"small regular earners,† poor, and â€Å"struggle to make ends meet† but are â€Å"decent steady men, paying their way and bringing up their children respectably. Letter C and D are represented by a light blue color and sometimes as purple if grouped with Letter E. Letter E includes the â€Å"regular earners earning 22-30s a week,† wives normally do not take trade, and boys and girls who normally do work. Letter F includes the â€Å"highest paid artisans,† â€Å"high class labor† that makes more than 30s a week. Letter E and F are represented by the color pink. Letter G includes the â€Å"lower middle class† described as â€Å"hardworking sober energetic men. † Letter G is signified by the color red. The wealthiest class, Letter H includes the â€Å"upper middle class† that keep servants. Letter H is represented by the color yellow. All of these poverty levels are placed onto the corresponding street on the map of the household described. In order to make the poverty map, Booth enlists others to help him gather his research. Booth instructed the â€Å"School Board visitors† to visit each individual home with children that were registered with the school district and collect information. The â€Å"School Board visitors† were to collect detailed information on the house address, number of rooms that the family inhabited, rent, occupations’ of the head of the household and the wife, and number of children in the household. Then the â€Å"School Board visitors† were to categorize the household into the poverty level according to the eight levels and then to assign the household to the corresponding color for the map. Due to the number of households in London, it became evident that taking a survey of every household would be too time-consuming. Therefore, a general survey of the street was also taken in addition to a small number of households on the street. The â€Å"School Board visitors† were instructed to write down notes on the street name, surveyed houses and the color associated, street condition, number of children between the ages of 3-13, and the color the street is associated with the poverty map. The end result is a color coded map of the levels of poverty specific from street to street. To inspect the social reasons for poverty, Charles Booth looked into the occupations that various household members held. Charles Booth saw industry as a major contributor to the level of poverty associated with a household. For that reason, he requested surveys and interviewed persons with particular occupations about their personal experiences to gain insight into the possible associations with poverty. Booth broke down the occupations into 18 categories and 89 subcategories with each industry given an occupation survey.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Issues of marks spencer

Issues of marks spencer Introduction In this assignment, an analysis and discussion of the strategies and issues of Marks Spencer will be carried out. MS was developed by immigrants. It was in 1884 that Michael Marks, a Russian-born Polish refugee, opened his first stall at a market in Leeds. Around ten years later he moved the trestle-table empire to Manchester where he went into partnership with Tom Spencer, a former cashier. Over the next ten years they built an operation that would grow to become the most British of institutions. MS is a major British retailer with over 885 stores in the United Kingdom and with over 600 domestic and 285 international stores too. It is the largest clothing retailer in the United Kingdom, as well as being an up market food retailer, and as of 2008, it was rated the 43rd largest retailer in the world. Most of its domestic stores sell both clothing and food, and since the turn of the century it started expanding into other ranges too, such as home-ware, furniture and technology. MS has in place objectives to bring shareholder value in terms of increase returns, but also in terms of increase sales and market share in retailing. Its beliefs and standards are outlined as Our customers continue to see Marks Spencer as the place to shop for special food, produced to exacting standards. It also sees its workforce as an important part of its plan and also considers modernising its stores as a key corporate objective. Its vision is to set high customer standards and its mission in makin g inspirational quality accessible to all. Nevertheless, the time when MS was extremely successful has long gone, as their clothing sales have come under pressure from other big companies such as Next and Asda WalMart, in 2001 the company recorded a mere  £145 million profit (US$ 275M), adding to this its food revenue has been hit by Tesco. Furthermore, in the last 5 years the company has experienced a succession of changes in management and corporate structures, following a massive decline in sales. What used to be a leading worldwide quality food and clothing retailer has now become uncompetitive in the market industry internationally, especially in the United Kingdom. A major contributing factor to this has been due to the pressure from the economic crisis world wide. In 2002 the Chairman and Chief Executive of MS, gave key information regarding the managements recovery plan for the company, and the speech and extracts from Marks Spencer Press Releases provided a valuable insight into the strategic plans for Marks Spencer. The Chief Executive of Marks Spencer insists that firstly the heart of the company should be dealt with, and focus needs to be given to the entire United Kingdom business, with a mission to make inspirational quality accessible to all. The main objective of the strategy for Marks and Spencer is the expansion into the worldwide market, and then aim to continue keeping ahead of the fashion market so that it can always inspire customers and raise the quality and standards or their product range. However, for the company to continue its previous success, they kept adapting new strategies when former strategies started to fail. Marks and Spencers plans to focus on keeping strong connection with their current customer, whom have been loyal for many years and are the reason for the rapid growth and success of the company. Another main focus for marks and Spencer is to work closely with the market to build a strong bond and trust with their shareholders, and also to provide best possible dividend whilst maintaining the company standards and profits. In addition, strongly considering their stakeholders opinions which are important as many companies success depends on its market and production, so even keeping a strong conne ction with employees on company improvements, and keeping peace between pressure groups and the company is useful in improving the brand image. The main issues that Marks and Spencer has faced over the past five years are their sales, since they have dropped massively compared to previous success. Marks and Spencer have currently published what their business plans are, and what they hope to aim within the upcoming years. Through this research it is aimed to investigate whether Marks and Spencer has successfully abided to the strategy but still failed, does this mean that the strategy was poorly planned, or whether in fact the strategy has increased their growth within the UK and worldwide market. Marks and Spencer as an international company From an international market perspective, Marks and Spencers aims and standards of their presentation and for the wider Marks and Spencers brands in selected export markets were a successful business globally. However, it seems that Marks and Spencers franchise stores are regarded much smaller than the UK stores. Nevertheless, part of its strategic review, Marks and Spencer announced the closure of its loss-making businesses in Europe due to this. In 2005, Marks and Spencers internationally began to operate in 29 countries including Hong Kong. and had 198 franchised outlets together with 19 directly owned stores in Hong Kong, along with 65 stores were located in the Asia-Pacific region, 60 in Europe, 45 in Central Europe with the rest in central Asia and the Middle East. MS used to own and operate 38 stores across France, Germany and Spain, but they were closed down in 2001 by the previous chairman, Luc Vandevelde, as it ran into problems due to the economic crises in the UK. In Apri l 2007 the company set out many plans to open 150 new international stores over the following three years, the majority via franchising. The first of the openings were scheduled to take place during the summer in Ukraine and Bulgaria, alongside further company-owned expansion in Ireland. Franchisee-owned developments are also underway in India and Russia too. Marks and Spencer set out how the stores should look and sell its branded goods and also view each store widely. Furthermore, its competitors such as Next and Debenhams across India have had also finance problems, however, there strategic plans did not fail as much as Marks and Spencers did globally, this is due to their continuous new products and brands compared to that of Marks and Spencer. They also focused on selling more than just clothes and food but also to sell furniture etc. Much has been said that Marks and Spencer needs to commit and be determined of what they sell best, which is food and clothing, which in turn this will help the company as a whole to maintain there previous success. Despite its recent financial problems and its slightly confused brand image, MS shows what can be done with tradition in the development of brand equity. Standing for values that have a place in society beyond the product can have important cultural ties for consumers. MS stands for Britain as much as it does for retailing, and thats a symbol that British consumers arent keen to give up in a hurry. During 2007/08 Marks and Spencer announced there plan to grow their International business to between 15 to 20% of total group revenues by 2012. There strategy remains unchanged, although they are adapting their plans as the economy dictates. Marks and Spencers aim is to reach their own target, with sales up 25.9%. Marks and Spencers five key elements for an International growth strategy are the following: The Growing of their equity partnerships in line with their revised business model. The Expanding of footprint into new markets and within markets where we already operate. To Achieving operational excellences. To highlight the brand integrity and awareness Finding innovative ways to grow our food offer. France MSs most concentrated European effort was in France. The clothing offering generated great profit, however, the foods section did not do as well asexpected. Strategies High fashion strategy Target area: European Countries, especially France As Paris is the fashion capital, therefore, MS should and needs to provide more fashion elements into their design in order to broaden their target market, and attract more female customers. For example, MS could hire some world famous designers to work for their European market, it could not only upscale MSs level, but it also let MS charge premium prices on their merchandise. Advertising strategy Target area: Canada MS nearly had new brand name has entered the Canadian market. Accordingly the brand was consciousness in one biggest weakness in Canada. Therefore, MS have to spend more money in both like TV marketing or local news paper marketing to build up their weakness. For example, MS could have hire a famous Canadian stars to communicate to their clothing, MS they can provide some of kind of sales promotions which is weekday shopping coupons or give discount to get more customers. Multiple sales channel Objective area: All The conventional sales channel is though local stores and mostly all of MS stores are located in downtowns areas. To promote the sales, MS need to expand the conventional channel, which have some catalogues of selling. MS can try to mail the recent season of catalogue to their customers, which would make ordering and purchasing easier and convenient. Class Control Objective area: All Good quality is a strong point with MS, its also the reason how MSs has high customers maintenance. However, because of the low supply chain in Canada, MS products slowly became decreased and damaged the sales of MS. As a result, MS should closely control the market supply chain to have guarantee of the value. TO decrease the operating cost MS may have even more imported materials and goods from Asia or Europe. Evaluation The evaluated have been implemented not after it has occurred, so to discover if the interference having desired effect. This would be involve evaluation and after completion evaluation. These both provide the organization and the feedback about the intervention. Evaluation expected at the guiding this can be called implementation feedback and assessment of interference is called evaluation feedback. Implementation feedback comprises collecting data about facial appearance of the intervention its result and feeding them back in short intervals. Evaluation advice involves to collecting data effect terms of about to effect intervention which are takes long feedback intervals. The problem of the nature organization develop interventions makes them very hard to evaluate. Very few of OD interberatnre are driven by the theory or designs which make it difficult to interpret cause and effect. As does that fat they never been haven separation to other activates and changes in the organization. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE SECTION However, OD interventions can be aided by applying the following guidelines: amount should be derive from the theory intervention original the interventions and include events of the skin of the intervention select right variables deceitful good events e.g. operationally clear, dependable and official Research plan e.g. quasi trial designs. Critique of strategy Change Every change of situation is different, and different techniques and approaches for change need to be managed accordingly.. Although this is discussed earlier, the Models considered for the changes to give strength to the strategy on the each situation only in the general of way. As a result, the individual different of the situation goes on flexible advance. The change of models balanced change through Fairley stages- yet, when you consider the impact of change princess, it could be considered as disordered. Intervention involves of changing the individuals goals, introducing the new evens, and having changes that do not fit to norms business. Other condition it may also come to change process thorough management which is not part of the original of plan of change. There is no hard confirmation that effect of planned on business performance as evaluation is very difficult and imprecise. Consultant facilitating planned change their own business favorite biases that will influence the operation and intervention used. Lack of the open mindedness and awareness may cause the ineffective decisions for change. The planned change the strategy approach involved long terms, but its often case organizations want to be fix solutions with immediate results. This can be leading the corner in strategy to development or unfortunate alternative being used. DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS SECTION Strategy Plan Harris and Walters (1992) model of store positioning, based on the four overlapping circles of merchandise characteristics, trading format, customer service and customer communication, is proposed to be central to the competitive strategy of multiple retailers (Figure 1). They suggest the four factors interact to create the market positioning of a company and provide detailed flowcharts and descriptions for each contributing factor. Moreover, they link store positioning to critical success factors, such as sales revenue; gross profit and gross margin; and sales per square foot. This framework is extremely useful in exploring the recovery of MS. The first step was to take the company back to basics by reviewing the strategy to ensure that the offer for the target audience was right. This led to the plan, where the main goals were to get the correct product for the various customer groups, to implement a staff training programme to improve customer service, to refurbish the stores, and overall to communicate all of this to customers. The reputation of MS was built on quality, reliability and service. Suppliers were nearly all UK based with long term contracts. However, when firms such as Next, Top Shop and George started to outsource from the UK, they could be far more competitive on price, providing more fashionable clothes with ranges that were changed frequently, due to Quick Response methods (Birtwistle, Siddiqui and Fiorito, 2003). This led MS to source from abroad but they failed to pass on the increased margin to the customers, hence they remained uncompetitive. Customers viewed the clothing ranges as unfashionable, unattractive and over-priced. During 2006, there was a launch of the new focused ranges of womens wear, and an expansion of the Per Una brand was launched, created by George Davies of Next and George at Asda. This undoubtedly improved the image of the brand and increased MSspace. When Stuart Rose became the Chief Executive, MS had 16 fashion sub-brands, quality and styling was inferior to the c ompetition, and due to the lengthy supply chain fashion trends were missed (Rose, 2007). In their new strategy, MS continue to use world wide suppliers with relationships based on partnerships rather than the previous paternalistic management style (Khan, 2006). This has enabled the firm to reduce supply chain costs by  £100m (Rose, 2007). For the clothing ranges, MS invested in the design process and product development, and intensive staff training too, giving the teams full product control, making the company more agile and enabling lead times to be reduced, giving increased flexibility and reducing stockholding from  £4bn to  £1.3bn (Khan, 2006; Rose, 2007). However, it has forced suppliers to take on increased risks by having to be very flexible, producing short runs and by storing fabric and stock (Birtwistle, Moore and Fiorito, 2006). Every week Stuart Rose reviews stockholding and supplier commitments to ensure that price points and quality are right and he has implemented a new strategy of good, better, best ranges, each representing good value (Rose, 2007 ). To create products to the various customer groups the Customer Insight unit holds regular focus groups where customers are provided with samples of goods. For instance, to understand the requirements of the older consumer, MS invites in the members from the Womens Institute to give honest, highly opinionated advice (Woods, 2007) Customer Service For many years MS customer service was based on the halo effect of their liberal returns policy. Moreover, they were not used to have fitting rooms and did not accept credit or debit cards, and even when they did introduce them, they did not communicate this fact to their customers. MS is aware that customers have become more demanding with higher expectations in terms of service and that they had become less competitive in the rates they were paying shop floor staff, hence they found it difficult to recruit quality staff. A customer service programme was created by Mary Gober and implemented in 2005. All 56,000 members of staff attended and this training is ongoing. The key message is that the customer comes first, by making eye contact, providing excellent service in key areas such as the fitting rooms, at the till and information areas, and in the cafà ©s (Anon, 2006). For example, all staff should be able to handle queries on fashion trends, sizes and pricing, fittings and alter ations, offers and incentives. MS also increased the number of staff in areas such as shoes where customers need more assistance, and this investment in product and sales training for shop floor staff is seen to be paying off. Trading Format MS had been very slow in taking up the trend to move to retail parks (Khan, 2006). and many of their smaller stores have not been refurbished in recent years either. Davies and Brooks (1989) argue that the best way of getting consumers to re-evaluate the product is to undertake a store refit. A plan to modernise the stores was implemented in 2006, and the first roll out of the new format began. In the first year MS spent  £500m and they planned to spend an additional  £800m in the next years (Fletcher, 2007; Rose, 2007). The process consisted initially of improving the store environment by taking away the shortage or embracement of signage. This was followed by a number of new store formats, hence, an order for 100 new escalators, 100 lifts and 20 miles of new refrigeration units was made (Rose, 2007). The improved product offer, the service and the increasingly attractive store environment has led to 16 million shoppers visiting the stores each week (Marks Spencer, 2007). Customer Communication In general, customer communication is further achieved using the in-store magazine. First forays into advertising went drastically wrong when their TV campaign pictured a naked women, size 14, running up a hill. This sent a completely wrong message out to their customers (Khan, 2006). Today they have become the leader in retail marketing communication. The first advertising campaign during autumn 2004 featured the food offer using mouth watering food photography and a sensual female voice-over stating this is not just food, this is MS food. This TV campaign presented an entirely new format, which has been dubbed food pornography. For instance, the chocolate pudding advertised just before Easter 2005 increased sales by 3,500 per cent, and as Steven Sharp said at the time it makes you want to lick the telly! (Martinson, 2006). When the clothing range had been reviewed and new lines introduced the spring summer season was preceded by a strong advertising campaign which included TV, radio, cinema, print, posters and even five MS branded taxis. This was very successful and attracted customers into the stores, thus, sales and profits increased. A number of models present the MS look such as Noemie Lenoir, Laura Bailey and Myleene Klass. Now anything worn by Twiggy, the 1960s fashion icon, Erin OConnor or Lizzy Jagger, the daughter of Rolling Stone Mick Jagger sell out in days. The attractiveness of the marketing campaign is that it appeals to all age groups. Whereas the womens-wear range is presented by models, the menswear range is promoted by celebrities such as the comedians Jimmy Carr, Martin Freeman and Bob Mortimer and football pundits such as Alan Hansen, Ian Wright and Jamie Redknapp. Bryan Ferry the voice of Roxy Music is the face of the Autograph range for men. The 2006 Christmas campaign last year f eatured the Ice Hotel in Sweden with Shirley Bassey, and David Bailey did the photography to give the campaigns fashion credibility (Brown, 2006). The success of these campaigns can be measured not only in sales but also by the number of retailers such as Matalan, Debenhams, John Lewis Partnership and Next, who are now actually copying the format. Recently, the look behind the label campaign promoting fair trade products, environmental concerns and customer health has increased consumer perception of the organization. This helped to attract 350,000 new customers a week into the stores (Brown, 2006). MS was awarded Company of the Year in 2006 and the Responsible Marketing Award in 2007 by Business in the Community. The marketing expenditure for the year ending 2007 was  £145m, of which approximately half was spent on advertising (Fletcher, 2007). Consolation: The recovery plan appears to be working well, as shares peaking at  £7.49 before the announcements of the results in May 2007 (English, 2007). The year end results to March 31st 2007 showed an increase of 28.5 per cent in profits to  £965.2m, with a 6.1 per cent increase of like-for-like sales to give credence to the five year recovery plan due to be completed in 2009 (Table 2). MS has 520 stores in the UK and has plans to open several Simply Food format stores as well as some out-of-town retail outlets, and they plan to employ an additional 10,000 members of staff (English, 2007). MS has been more successful than other retailers in using integrated marketing communication methods to get its message to both, disaffected past and present customers, increase brand equity and support the recovery of the firm. The advertising campaigns have been a strong contributor to the re-evaluation of MS as a retailer and have helped to increase footfall and the conversion rate. It has also led to Steven Sharp achieving a number of marketing awards, such as the Marketing Societys Marketer of the Year 2006; the Marketing Week Effectiveness Awards 2006; and the Chief Marketing Officer of the Year award at the Global Marketer Summit in Frankfurt in 2006. In January 2007, Stuart Rose at last used the r word and stated the business was now well into the recovery phase. However, in a very competitive trading environment, turning the short term recovery into long term growth will be more difficult and awaiting to see the direction of the long term strategy. Conclusion Reference

Friday, September 20, 2019

Essay on Deception in Shakespeares King Lear -- King Lear essays

Deception in King Lear In King Lear, the characters deceive one another constantly. Most of them deliberately misrepresent themselves, but others are naturally difficult to understand. Some are trying to gain power while others are protecting themselves. There is an extreme contrast between reality and what each character appears to be to the other characters. This quality about the characters fuels the plot, bringing it to its ultimate end. The Fool is ironically different from his title. While the fool is commonly an idiot, Lear's fool seems to understand the political situation better that the king himself. His jokes and songs seem to be aimed at teaching Lear about the errors he has made rather than at making him laugh. He states in song that perhaps Kent and the king could take over his job, since they are behaving as better fools than he. He admonishes Lear for being old before he became wise. The Fool displays a deep understanding of corruption. His speech on the night "to cool a courtesan" depicts priests that do not follow their own sermons and nobles who wait on their servants. Quite unlike a fool, the Fool understands the complexity of the politics going on in the play. When Kent is in disguise, it is only his physical appearance that is false. Unlike the other characters who wear disguises, he does not change his actions to deceive Lear. Just as he was before Lear banished him, Kent is a loyal servant. Disguised as Caius, he is willing to follow the king through his ordeal. Kent remains a devoted servant, despite his apparel. It seems to Lear that Kent is gone and he has a new confidant. However, the reality is that Kent never really left him. The main conflict of King ... ...enly force. Gloucester believes that Edgar is a peasant instead of "Poor Tom" who led him to the cliff. Directly before the battle, Edgar gives Goneril's letter to Albany to save him from her deceit. Edgar only reveals himself at the very end. He has spent the majority of the play pretending to be someone else. Each of the characters appears to be something else. If all of the sisters had told the truth, then the play could not progress, so there is something that each main character must figure out. Lear must learn of the true nature of his daughters and that a good king will not let his people have terrible living conditions when he has superb ones. Gloucester must learn about loyalty, and Edgar must discover his brother's deceptions. Once the characters have recognised something that they did not understand before, the tragedy of King Lear is complete. Essay on Deception in Shakespeare's King Lear -- King Lear essays Deception in King Lear In King Lear, the characters deceive one another constantly. Most of them deliberately misrepresent themselves, but others are naturally difficult to understand. Some are trying to gain power while others are protecting themselves. There is an extreme contrast between reality and what each character appears to be to the other characters. This quality about the characters fuels the plot, bringing it to its ultimate end. The Fool is ironically different from his title. While the fool is commonly an idiot, Lear's fool seems to understand the political situation better that the king himself. His jokes and songs seem to be aimed at teaching Lear about the errors he has made rather than at making him laugh. He states in song that perhaps Kent and the king could take over his job, since they are behaving as better fools than he. He admonishes Lear for being old before he became wise. The Fool displays a deep understanding of corruption. His speech on the night "to cool a courtesan" depicts priests that do not follow their own sermons and nobles who wait on their servants. Quite unlike a fool, the Fool understands the complexity of the politics going on in the play. When Kent is in disguise, it is only his physical appearance that is false. Unlike the other characters who wear disguises, he does not change his actions to deceive Lear. Just as he was before Lear banished him, Kent is a loyal servant. Disguised as Caius, he is willing to follow the king through his ordeal. Kent remains a devoted servant, despite his apparel. It seems to Lear that Kent is gone and he has a new confidant. However, the reality is that Kent never really left him. The main conflict of King ... ...enly force. Gloucester believes that Edgar is a peasant instead of "Poor Tom" who led him to the cliff. Directly before the battle, Edgar gives Goneril's letter to Albany to save him from her deceit. Edgar only reveals himself at the very end. He has spent the majority of the play pretending to be someone else. Each of the characters appears to be something else. If all of the sisters had told the truth, then the play could not progress, so there is something that each main character must figure out. Lear must learn of the true nature of his daughters and that a good king will not let his people have terrible living conditions when he has superb ones. Gloucester must learn about loyalty, and Edgar must discover his brother's deceptions. Once the characters have recognised something that they did not understand before, the tragedy of King Lear is complete.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Breast Cancer Essay -- Health Breast Cancer Tumor Essays Papers

Breast Cancer There is a large amount of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer every day but they usually do not know a lot about it in terms of how it forms and the many ways it can be treated. Breast cancer is a very serious disease that shouldn’t be taken lightly; if it is left untreated it can spread to other organs and eventually kill you.   Even if you do not have breast cancer, chances are that you know or will know someone who will get it, so it is imperative that people understand how breast cancer forms, know the stages of breast cancer, be familiar with who gets breast cancer and how you can possibly avert it, and understand all of the different ways to treat the cancer and prevent it from coming back. Breast cancer always begins with a tumor much like most other forms of cancer.   As normal body cells, or DNA, grow and divide, abnormalities occur sometimes but in normal incidences those cells are detected by the body or ribosome so the cell then repairs itself or it will disable the DNA and die. Body cells develop and divide often during the early stages of life, after that cells only divide when there are cells to replace from dying or worn out cells from injuries or viruses.   Cancer cells develop from damage in DNA. Cancer cells are not detected as â€Å"abnormal,† therefore, they continue to grow and divide without being destroyed by the body.   Cancer cells have a damaged ability to bond to one another which means that the cells can’t tell each other to stop dividing when there are too many of them; they just keep trying to fill the space which results in a mass of cells forming a tumor. A tumor can either be malignant or benign.   A malignant tumor con tinues to grow and divide rapidly and it may become life... ...the lymph nodes under the armpit and into the breast to determine if the cancer has metastasized. Many things can contribute to the formation of breast cancer, but the actual cause is still unknown although we have found out some things that can possibly reduce the risk of getting breast cancer such as living a healthy life, exercise, and staying away from carcinogens. Doctors have now figured out what cancer does to the body and they have found may treatments that can cure the cancer, if not at least slow it down. It is very important that people are informed on what the different treatments are so that if you or someone close to you gets cancer, you have a general idea of what treatments are available. More and more people are diagnosed with breast cancer every day, but the good news is that the death rate has decreased due to advancements in technology. Breast Cancer Essay -- Health Breast Cancer Tumor Essays Papers Breast Cancer There is a large amount of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer every day but they usually do not know a lot about it in terms of how it forms and the many ways it can be treated. Breast cancer is a very serious disease that shouldn’t be taken lightly; if it is left untreated it can spread to other organs and eventually kill you.   Even if you do not have breast cancer, chances are that you know or will know someone who will get it, so it is imperative that people understand how breast cancer forms, know the stages of breast cancer, be familiar with who gets breast cancer and how you can possibly avert it, and understand all of the different ways to treat the cancer and prevent it from coming back. Breast cancer always begins with a tumor much like most other forms of cancer.   As normal body cells, or DNA, grow and divide, abnormalities occur sometimes but in normal incidences those cells are detected by the body or ribosome so the cell then repairs itself or it will disable the DNA and die. Body cells develop and divide often during the early stages of life, after that cells only divide when there are cells to replace from dying or worn out cells from injuries or viruses.   Cancer cells develop from damage in DNA. Cancer cells are not detected as â€Å"abnormal,† therefore, they continue to grow and divide without being destroyed by the body.   Cancer cells have a damaged ability to bond to one another which means that the cells can’t tell each other to stop dividing when there are too many of them; they just keep trying to fill the space which results in a mass of cells forming a tumor. A tumor can either be malignant or benign.   A malignant tumor con tinues to grow and divide rapidly and it may become life... ...the lymph nodes under the armpit and into the breast to determine if the cancer has metastasized. Many things can contribute to the formation of breast cancer, but the actual cause is still unknown although we have found out some things that can possibly reduce the risk of getting breast cancer such as living a healthy life, exercise, and staying away from carcinogens. Doctors have now figured out what cancer does to the body and they have found may treatments that can cure the cancer, if not at least slow it down. It is very important that people are informed on what the different treatments are so that if you or someone close to you gets cancer, you have a general idea of what treatments are available. More and more people are diagnosed with breast cancer every day, but the good news is that the death rate has decreased due to advancements in technology.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ghost Story of the Haunted Abandoned Factory :: Ghost Stories Urban Legends

Ghost stories and urban legends have a power over people that other types of stories lack. These stories can deeply scare people and lead them to question certain things in life. The fashion in which the story teller delivers the story can greatly affect how haunting the story is and how long it lingers in the listeners’ heads. Urban legends pertaining to a certain region have even more of an effect on people’s beliefs. That scary house on the corner may never be the same to somebody after they are told about the gruesome murder that supposedly happened there many years ago. The ghost story chosen for this paper was told by a 19 year-old Caucasian male college student. The story involves a supposedly haunted building in the nearby town. He heard the story from a friend but does not recall when or where he first heard the story. He recounted the story in the afternoon while sitting in his room with a few other students watching television. According to his story, the haunted building was once used as a factory. One day there was a fire which burned down a good portion of the building and killed all the workers inside. The ruins can still be seen and are alleged to be haunted by ghosts of the deceased factory workers. The teller once tried to locate the factory ruins at night with a few friends but had trouble doing so. He said they found people looking for the same place and joined them to find it. They found an old building in an isolated area but were not sure if it was the correct place. The story teller recalls having an eerie feeling when a rriving at the isolated building. He and his friends soon left without exploring further because the uneasiness about the area began to scare them. The teller told the story in a rushed manner, quickly telling the details. Upon recalling his eerie feelings while searching for the building, he broke into nervous laughter, and one could tell he was somewhat unnerved by the experience. This conclusion led the listeners to believe that searching for the old factory would be a scary experience. From research, it is apparent that Ellicott City has numerous areas believed to be haunted, along with legends behind these areas.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Declaration of Independence

2_01Revolutionary_Ideas Alex Wasko 4-20-13 Mr. Walsh The Declaration of Independence|Use this panel to provide a paragraph overview of the purpose and structure of the Declaration of Independence. The Declariation of Independence is a statement adopted by the Contenial Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies then at war with Great Britan, regarded themselves as independent states, and no longer a part of the British Empire. Instead they now formed a new nation the United States of America. Popular sovereignty is the principle that the legitimacy of the government depends on the will or consent of its people. â€Å"When in the corse of human events it becomes necessary for one person to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature,s god entitle them ,a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel to the separation. The Declaration of Independence essentially stated that the social contract that the colony of America had with the government of Great Britain was no longer valid. And, this is in the very first sentence. The social contract that was reflected in the Declaration was as a sign of enforcing Democracy. |Natural rights are rights not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government, and therefore universal and inalienable rights.Individual rights are rights held by individual people; even if they are group-differentiated, what most rights are, they remain individual rights if the right-holders are the individuals themselves. |The only problem with the Declaration of Independence is the â€Å"all men are created equal† line. If they had meant â€Å"men† to be generic and apply to all people, it would be ok, but they clearly didn't. They didn't give women the right to vote or anything else. In fact, only male landowners were allowed to vote initially. | The Declaration of Independence 2_01Revolutionary_Ideas Alex Wasko 4-20-13 Mr. Walsh The Declaration of Independence|Use this panel to provide a paragraph overview of the purpose and structure of the Declaration of Independence. The Declariation of Independence is a statement adopted by the Contenial Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies then at war with Great Britan, regarded themselves as independent states, and no longer a part of the British Empire. Instead they now formed a new nation the United States of America. Popular sovereignty is the principle that the legitimacy of the government depends on the will or consent of its people. â€Å"When in the corse of human events it becomes necessary for one person to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature,s god entitle them ,a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel to the separation. The Declaration of Independence essentially stated that the social contract that the colony of America had with the government of Great Britain was no longer valid. And, this is in the very first sentence. The social contract that was reflected in the Declaration was as a sign of enforcing Democracy. |Natural rights are rights not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government, and therefore universal and inalienable rights.Individual rights are rights held by individual people; even if they are group-differentiated, what most rights are, they remain individual rights if the right-holders are the individuals themselves. |The only problem with the Declaration of Independence is the â€Å"all men are created equal† line. If they had meant â€Å"men† to be generic and apply to all people, it would be ok, but they clearly didn't. They didn't give women the right to vote or anything else. In fact, only male landowners were allowed to vote initially. |

Monday, September 16, 2019

Educatinal Technology

1- ) Examine three (3) of the issues you feel are most important in shaping the role of technology in education. Analyze why they are most important ones The role of the education in this global world is increasing each day. There are a lot of ways, strategies and approaches to increase quality of education. One of most effective way is integrating technology in to the education. That is called educational technology.There are a lot of advantages of technology in the class but I will give information about three advantages of technology in the classes which are freedom, equality of the education and creativity. Technology in the education is giving more freedom to teachers and students. How? As a mathematics teacher in a public school I can give examples from my own experiences. I use smart board and smart pad in my classes. I prepare my lesson plan as software and I reflect on the board or on the screen. While I am walking around the class I can teach.I don’t have spent my ti me for writing the definitions or questions and cleaning the board. I don’t have turn my back to the students which is helping me for classroom management. As another example when I am teaching geometric figures even three dimensional figures now my drawing is not a problem anymore. With Mimio smart board I can visualize better. My students have more time to learn. And I put my class notes to website for students who missed the day or who couldn’t understand well. They still have chance review everything that they missed.I think this is the most important issue for role of the technology in the education. It is giving more time for teaching. It is another sole role of the technology in teaching, giving equal opportunity to all students. There are a lot of people who are seeking for education but they cannot reach it because of lack school or teacher . Maybe it is not common in U. S. A but around the world it is common. For these people technology is only hope. Or some people like me who have to support a family and want to get a degree; online education is the only way.With technology everybody has an opportunity to learn. For some special and minor issues technology is helping us so much too, for instance I have a student who is dyslexic. To make him focus to class and understand better tablet computers are very helpful. In my country Turkish Government is giving free tablets to all students. The last and I think most important benefit of the educational technology is increasing creativity. With standing front of the board and giving lecture we cannot individualize the education.It is a known fact every bodies learning way and level is different, from this perspective each person is unique. Especially if there is a big diversity in the class lecturing will not help. And if all students learn the same thing with same way it will not develop their creativity conversely it will decrease the creativity. To enhance students’ creativity we have to integrate technology in the education. With this way the students can learn with their own way and level. There is a web site that I use in my math applying classes (www. studyisland. om) , at the beginning of the year students are taking a diagnostic test and depends their results system is giving a unique way to each student, may be the system is not perfect but the idea is so beautiful. In twenty first century we are aware of that education is more complicated than we taught. Teachers are facing with different problems such as dyslexia, ADHD/ADD, asperger syndrome. To individualize education technology is very helpful. Increasing technology using will develop creativity ,freedom and opportunity in the education. ———————– Page | 1 Page | 1

Sunday, September 15, 2019

High school diploma Essay

I did 4 years in Senn High School and there were a lot of problems in school. Dropping out of high school is a huge issue for many teens today. As society demands hardworking graduates with good character, the nation should require keeping teens from dropping out of school and improving student’s education for the future. There are many causes for why teenagers drop out of school. But there are few solutions for allowing them to finish high school with high diplomas. Pregnancies, drugs, gang involvement and bullying play a big role in the dropout rate. How can high schools help students to earn their high school diplomas and stop dropping out of school? Many kids attend High schools that have a different culture, or way of doing things. I will always remember my years of high school. However, I feel my high school years have been the most memorable. I strongly believe that high school is the open door, into the rest of my life. The last days of my high school career are fast approaching and I can only imagine how I’ll be feeling when I step out of Senn High School for the very last time. Throughout these four years, I have felt a lot of requirements about graduating high school. I didn’t think that the time to graduate would come soon enough. I came across a great interest essay that starts with the question of why smart kids are, on average, low status in the high school environment. The short answer is that being popular in that environment is a full time job, and smart kids, even if they want to be popular, want to do other things as well. The author goes on to make quite a lot of interesting, understanding, and disturbing points about how children are brought up. What bothers me is not that the kids are kept in prisons, but that they aren’t told about it, and the prisons are run mostly by the person who is confined in a prison. In my high school Spanish class we were supposed to speak in Spanish. I don’t think any of us knew Spanish well enough to make our way through this huge book. Like the rest of the class, I just study the notes. When we were given a test on the book, I noticed that the questions sounded odd. They were full of long words that our teacher wouldn’t have used. Where had these questions come from? From the notes, it turned out. The teacher was using them too and we were all just pretending.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Maturity in the Catcher in the Rye

Maturity in the Catcher in the Rye Maturity is a process in life that usually no one can run away from. The novel the Catcher in the Rye, by J. D Salinger, tries to disprove that lesson through its protagonist. Holden often behaves like a prophet or a saint, pointing out the â€Å"phonies† around him because he believes they are not as mature as he is, but as the novel progresses, Holden makes choices that prevents him from maturing rather than enabling him to mature. Holden’s mail goal is to resist the process of growing up. Holden also mocks the adults around him to make him feel better.To cope with society, Holden alienates himself from the people he considers â€Å"phonies†. Usually, novels such as The Catcher in the Rye tell the story of a young protagonist’s growth to maturity; ironically, Holden’s main goal is to resist the process of maturity. Holden does not want to mature because he fears change and is overwhelmed by complexity. On page 20 1 of the novel, Holden says â€Å"Somebody’d written ‘fuck you’ on the wall. It drove me damn near crazy. I thought how Phoebe and all the other little kids would see it, and finally some dirty kid would tell them†.This quotation shows that Holden is scared and worried about Phoebe growing up. Eventually, Phoebe will learn what the word means just like Holden did. There is no stopping the process but Holden erases the sign anyways to symbolize his determination. He does eventually realize that he cannot stop the process when he tries to erase another sign that does not come off. Not only is Holden afraid of change, but he refuses to acknowledge this fear so whenever he is forced to, he invents a fantasy that adulthood is a world of â€Å"phonies†. Holden shows this when he says â€Å"Sex is something I just don’t understand.I swear to God I don’t† on page 93. Instead of acknowledging that having sex scares and mystifies him, Hol den invents a fantasy that adulthood is a world of superficiality and hypocrisy by telling the readers horrible things about sex. The first step to solving a problem is admitting that there is one. Holden does not even know he has a problem let alone admitting it. At the end of the novel, Holden does however find out that he has a problem but he still does not want to admit it which suggests that he is still trying to achieve is goal and believes that one day he will achieve it.Holden’s view of society shows that Holden only points out the phonies around him to make him feel better, yet he does not realize that he is flawed. Through out the novel, Holden criticize adults behind his smiles because it makes him feel superior without having the sense of guilt since the adults does not know. This is shown when Holden vents his feelings about Spencer’s advice. On page 8 he says â€Å"Game, my ass. Some game. If you get on the side where all the hot-shots are, then itâ€⠄¢s a game, all right—I’ll admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there aren’t any hot-shots, then what’s a game about it?Nothing. No game.. †. Hiding behind Holden’s nodding and smiling is himself cursing and mocking Spencer. While Spencer is trying to tell Holden the importance of playing by the rules, Holden mocks his analogy instead of looking at the main point which shows that he doesn’t really care about what Spencer has to say even though it has been established that Holden thinks about Spencer quite a lot. Every time Holden criticises the â€Å"phonies† around him, he criticises them in a way that convinces the reader that he is right to build up his self esteem.This is shown when Holden says â€Å"Then I tried to get them in a little intelligent conversation, but it was practically impossible. You had to twist their arms. You could hardly tell which one was the stupidest of the three of them. Then the thre e of them of them kept looking all around the goddam room, like as if they expect a flock of goddam movie stars to come in any minute. † On page 73. Holden believes that the three women were looking around the room because they are stupid, but he does not consider the fact that the three women were looking around the room because they were bored of him and wanted him to go away.Holden makes a statement that can be easily argued into a true fact that is written in stone and cannot be erased by using slang and the unique tone of voice he has. It makes everything he criticises seem true which makes himself feel better. Holden needs to realize that his view of society is wrong and that children will have to grow up and that there is no way to stop it. Holden says on page 119 â€Å"God, I love it when a kid's nice and polite when you tighten their skate for them or something. Most kids are. They really are† because he loves children. Throughout the novel, Holden has never cr iticised, offend or cursed at children.He always says nice things about them. This is because he likes children and he does not want children to mature into young adults. On the contrary, Holden’s view of a perfect childhood is as incorrect as his view of the adult world as entirely â€Å"phoney,† and just helps Holden hide from the fact that the complex issues he will have to face in growing up terrify him. This form of delusional craziness can only last so long. Holden will eventually grow up, whether he likes it or not. Mr. Antolini and Phoebe both make it clear that unless he learns to accept the complexities of adulthood, he will end up, at best, bitter and alone.To cope with society and the adult world, Holden alienates himself from the people he considers â€Å"phonies† so that he will be able to resist growing up. Throughout the novel it is seen that Holden’s alienation is the cause of most of his pain but it is also a source of Holden’s st rength. This is shown when His loneliness gets him into his date with Sally Hayes, but his need for isolation causes him to insult her and drive her away. As the novel progresses it shows that Holden desperately needs human contact but his protective wall of bitterness prevents him from having interactions with other humans for too long.He wants to have a relationship but he does not want to commit to it because he knows that when he does commit to a relationship, he will turn into an adult and live an adult life. That is why he tells Sally Hayes to run away with him. Holden does not want to deal with the complexities of the world around him so he tries to escape it to resist the process of growing up. Holden tries to escape the adult world by not thinking about it and dreaming of a world where nothing changes.But when Holden goes to the Museum of Natural History, it gives him something to think about. He says â€Å"The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was. Nobody’d move. . . . Nobody’d be different. The only thing that would be different would be you. † (page212) The Eskimos are silent, and always the same. Holden can think about and judge the Eskimo in the display case, but the Eskimo will never judge him back. It troubles him that he has changed each time he returns, while the museum’s displays never changes.They represent the simple and manageable vision of the perfect life that Holden wishes he could live and stay in forever. After reading the novel, readers learn that although Holden goal is crazy, in the end he has great determination. Readers notice that at the end of the novel, Holden has not changed. He still tries to resist growing up, he still mocks the people he considers phonies, and he still alienates himself from the people he considers â€Å"phonies†. Holden’s character is very unusual but it teaches readers about maturity and how hard it is to not gro w up.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Nursing Implications for Creating and Maintaing a Restraint-Free Unit Research Paper

Nursing Implications for Creating and Maintaing a Restraint-Free Unit Uviversity of Central Florida - Research Paper Example Alternatives to physical and chemical restraints are explored in this research review, as well as the nursing implications for creating and maintaining a unit that is restraint-free. A restraint free environment in the ICU is a situation where there is nothing that restricts the movement of the patient in the ICU. In restraint ICU, the patient is not allowed to make any movements by either controlling them physically with physical devices that limit their movements. Most hospitals today work towards having restraint free environments that would not restrict the movement of patients. To achieve this, nurses have a very important role in the creation and maintenance of the restraint free environments. The philosophy of nurses suggests that nursing includes taking care of someone by showing them love and concern. â€Å"This love and concern must also include the use of professional care for the patient† (Benbenbishty, 2010). When taking care of someone, the nurse has to ensure th at both his and her emotional, physical, and spiritual needs are met. It is also important for a nurse to ensure that while taking care of the patient, they must treat them with respect and dignity and to ensure that their needs and wishes are met. Nurses also have to realize that everyone ages, that aging is a very natural process, and that the old are human beings. This means that every nurse has the responsibility of taking care of the old with respect and not as people who are undergoing both mental and physical deterioration. Nurses also have to ensure that while taking care of a patient, their ultimate aim should be to rehabilitate, and maintain every patient in such a way that they enjoy their daily living in relation to their level of quality of life. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the nurses to ensure that a restraint free environment is created in the ICU. This is because as one patient is restrained, any or all of the above aims may be violated, hence leading to the violation of the nurse’s act. Therefore, nurses have a major role to play in the creation and maintaining of a restraint free ICU. They have to do this so as to fulfill their professional requirements and at the same time to act like human beings and to treat other people not as animals but as fellow humans. Since restraint causes a lot of pain and restrictions to the patient, it should be the main aim of every nurse to do away with it. In the event that the nurses create an environment that is free of any reins taint, then a lot will be achieved. First, the nurses would have fulfilled their career objective of providing an environment that is comfortable and that the wish of the patient can be put into consideration. To achieve this, however, there has to be a lot of increased responsibility on the nurses’ side. First, they have to increase the amount of time that they have to use in taking care of the patient. This also means that since no restriction is availabl e, then nurses have to ensure that they are always there for their patients so that they do not get hurt, especially those who may have some mental problems. Nurses also have to ensure that they closely monitor every patient to know who needs more care. It is also very important that for a free restrain to be effective, nurses have to reduce their level of carelessness and to know the kind of materials that should be kept away from the patient. Even though there is

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Vitamin D Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Vitamin D - Essay Example The production of this very specific sub-type of Vitamin D that is Vitamin D3, takes place in the human skin. It is produced in the skin when a chemical called 7-dehydrocholesterol is in a chemical reaction with ultraviolet rays.The bi-weekly requirement of a normal human being is ten to twenty minutes of exposure to the sunlight, on either their arms, hands, back or the face without the application of a sunscreen. For this exposure, the ultraviolet exposure index must reach more than three. The case where there is exposure for a longer time, the supply of the vitamin produced may degrade very quickly – as quickly as it may be produced, in most cases. Vitamin D3 plays an important role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the body. It also helps in the proper functioning of the minerals. Calcium and phosphorus form an important component of bones and teeth. The osteoclastic (bone breaking cells) cells break the bones to generate calcium when needed. Low levels of c alcium and phosphorus can hence cause different bone related disorders and dental problems. As a result, Vitamin D3 can also be an important factor in preventing rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis. The usage of Vitamin D3, at a normal rate, may not have any side effects; however, if taken in excess, it may make the user nauseate and may result in constipation. Vitamin D3 can be a source of causing kidney diseases, liver diseases and may result in causing a difficulty in absorbing nutrients from food.