Saturday, December 28, 2019

Impact of Financial Crisis on the Textile Industry of...

Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(10): 1435-1443, 2011 ISSN 1991-8178 Impact Of Financial Crisis On The Textile Industry Of Pakistan: A Case Study Of Fateh Textile Industry 1 Dr. Zahid Ali Channar, 2Dr. Nanik Ram 1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Faculty of Commerce, Economics and Management Sciences, Isra University, Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. 2 Assistant professor Department of economics, University of Sindh, Jamshoro pakistan. Abstract: After the great depression of 1930s, financial crisis of 2007-09 were most serious. Due to these financial crises large financial crisis collapsed, key businesses failed wealth of consumer has been lost. Pakistan can not be the exceptional case in this†¦show more content†¦They always result in the decrease of wealth of people. After the great depression of 1930s, which resulted from the crash of Wall Street in 1929, the recent financial crises of 2007-09 are of the worst type. These crises emerged from the failure of large financial institutions of USA and then spread all over the world. Corresponding Author: Dr. Zahid Ali Channar, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Faculty of Commerce, Economics and Management Sciences, Isra University, Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. 1435 Aust. J. Basic Appl. Sci., 5(10): 1435-1443, 2011 Impact of Financial Crisis on Economy: Due to financial crises economy can not allocate money properly to its highest valued use. Financial crises resulted in the collapse of large financial institutions, European bank failures, sharp decline in the market indices, weakening currencies, reduction in exports, decline in foreign direct investment, decline in remittances tourism, unemployment poverty. All these will result, ultimately, in slow down of economic growth. Objectives: The main objectives of the study are; 1. Find out the reasons of low profits in textile industries. 2. Evaluate the availability of the loans for textile industry. Hypotheses: Following three Hypotheses have been designed for this research. 1. Financial Crisis decreases the profits of the textile

Thursday, December 19, 2019

What is Technology Essay - 609 Words

What is technology? Technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science. Since the creation of modern technology man has been entwined with it. On average a Smartphone user will check their phones 150 times a day, text 23 times, voice calls 22 times, use their camera 8 times, check social media 9 times and news 6 times. And that is just how man interacts with their Smartphone. Neurologist fear that if â€Å"unless we wake up to the damage that the gadget-filled, pharmaceutically enhanced 21st century is doing to our brains, we could be†¦show more content†¦If the cable/satellite goes out utter chaos for children. If your phone dies, you are running to the nearest outlet to charge it just to ensure you will not miss a friends update on Facebook and to post a picture to inst agram. If our ancestors saw us this way they will be rolling in their graves. The notch of laziness, â€Å"averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent†. Recently the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons have been airing a commercial about how technology today is making children lazy today and how Getting a child to walk an extra 35 minutes a day could prevent thinning bones later in life. The skit even showed the grandson calling the grandmother on his cell phone to have his grandmother to bring him a soda from the kitchen. Or watching a boring marathon right after watching a great movie since the remote is out of sight. Our children are no longer physically active considering they no longer play outside and play they are stuck to their Xbox and Playstation or their iPad. That is why multiple public and private organizations in trying to change that for instance the NFL’s â€Å"Fuel Up To Play 60† or the First Lady Michelle Obama â€Å"Let’s Move† campaign to encourage children to put aside their electronic and become active. The notch of disconnect, â€Å"to sever or interrupt the connection of or between; detach† We use our GPS to reach our destination the fastest wayShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Wrong With Technology?1573 Words   |  7 PagesGuomin Zou Prof. Coleman Sociology 001 Mar. 3, 2015 What Is Wrong with Technology? â€Å"Up to 90% of young adults in major East Asian countries, including China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and South Korea, are nearsighted† (Park par. 3). The main reason that causes this phenomenon is that the East Asian students are overusing technology such as smart phones, Ipads, and computers. These technologies devices are the friends that they spend most time with. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

HR Balance Score Card for

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Balance Scorecard Ducab. Answer: Introduction The performance of the human resource metrics in Ducab Limited is measured by use of the balance score card. The Ducab Manufacturers has an overall management objective to provide value to customers, internal processes, people and the shareholders as the financials. The scope of the balanced scorecard is to measure the achieved goals in human resource and the contribution to the overall manufacturing objectives(Recardo, 2017). Strategies are broken down to specific line managers so that everyone gets his part to play. The final result will be a breakthrough in performance through the human resource(Jakic, 2017). Objectives Measure Targets Initiatives Customers Value addition in our cable products, growth of existing markets, new markets, increased market segments The company has reported a tremendous increase of customers and clients which have necessitated expansion of the organization through the opening of new campuses and construction of more building infrastructure. To completely meet the demand and quality needs in the cable market, to enhance customer loyalty(Kathula, 2017).. Multiple innovations have been enhanced through the involvement of staff in solving problems that frequently arise. Young, enthusiastic employees are recruited to make 40% of the employees, the setting up of a technological infrastructure has been substantially undertaken to enhance efficiency (Jelnkov et al. 2016). Financials Shareholder value, Increase in diversification. The investments by the current shareholder and new shareholders have risen showing that the company is meeting their interests to attract more. The company has a target to always give back to the shareholder's dividends that are higher than the previous year's share of profits. The costs of HR are controlled at an optimum level by controlling of wastage, and rule-out of unnecessary costs such as ghost workers. Employment of qualified professionals to efficiently manage. Internal processes The increase in product capacity, increase customer satisfaction, enhance competitiveness, corporate social responsibility, and the efficacy of new products. Management costs have been reduced in the recent past, Efficiency has been improved by reduction of time that was being wasted through absenteeism. Ducab manufacturers aim to enhance the operational efficiency so as to reduce costs and increase productivity. The biometric system manages hours worked and reviews absenteeism. People Operational effectiveness, attainment or targets, enhance employee engagement, improve skills, knowledge, and performance, trust. Attrition levels are 90% showing that most of the employees have been empowered to create trust. The levels of specialized employees being attracted to the firm are also reported to be high. Update of skills and knowledge by the current training needs, achieving a full attrition rate. The is the creation of effective teams. Efficient communication. The collaboration of the management with the staff. There is personal understanding of the employees. There is effective management of conflicts between employees in Ducab limited. The Employment metrics in Ducab Manufacturers has been favorable and this has won it the employer of the year award. The company uses the following formula to calculate employee metrics: Cost per hire = (Total internal + external recruitment costs) / hires in a year (300000+250000)/ 80 = AED 6875 Absentee rate = workdays lost/ (average staff number* workdays available per employee) =18/ (1300* 276) = 0.00005 Turnover cost = Total direct costs Unpaid cost while a job is vacant 8,070,000 1,700,000 = 6,370,000 AED Turnover rate = total staff in a year/ the reduction in staff * 100% 5 / 1300* 100% = 0.38% Conclusion The goals of Ducab management in the provision of value to the best interests of the stakeholders; the customers, employees, and shareholders have been achieved through the value created in the processes within the company. Attainment of these objectives has been enabled through the involvement of each departmental goal(Kathula, 2017). The effectiveness of the scorecard consumes time for the companys HR and has played a significant role in accountability and attainment of the Ducabs objectives. References Jakic, M. (2017). HR BALANCED SCORECARD AND BUSINESS ETHICS HR BALANCE SCORECARD. human resource matrics, 114-119. Kathula, R. (2017). STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE. Millenial workforce, 93. Lucie Jelnkov, KoÃ… ¾en Marcela . (2016). Customer value as a tool for increasing company competitiveness. Journal of human resource, 86. Recardo, R. (2017). Incorporating Best Practices to Strengthen Your Human Resources Strategic Plan. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 29-41.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Reaching For Dreams - A Ballet From Rehearsal To Opening Night Essays

Reaching for Dreams - A Ballet from Rehearsal to Opening Night In watching a professional ballet one doesn't realize how much work is put into making the production come to life. Both the dancers and the choreographers put every ounce of energy and emotion into telling their story. It takes years for a ballerina to train for the labor that goes into becoming professional, however just weeks to learn a full-length ballet. Dancers can sometimes be put through months of sore muscles in order to train. Often ballet dancers are told to loose weight in order to look their part, or are only given a few minutes for break after hours of vigorous training. In the end it is all worth it though. When I checked out Reaching for Dreams: A Ballet from Rehearsal to Opening Night, by Susan Kuklin out of the library I expected to read another boring drawn out diary. Amazingly this book was difficult for me to put down because I became so enthralled by the process of putting on a ballet. At the beginning of this book the author describes the dancers coming in on a rainy Monday morning to begin warm-ups and rehearsal. This of course is the beginning of their voyage to opening night. The dancers taking part in this production were from the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre. The ballet that they plan to perform in seven weeks is called ?Speeds.? The choreographer of ?Speeds? is a world-renowned woman by the name of Jennifer Mullers. This production contains a cast of eleven dancers and five alternates. ?Speeds? is a modern ballet that explains how one moment in time is like no other, and how often things in the world change. Throughout this book, Kuklin observes the life of a dancer. The typical day of a professional ballerina at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre consists of waking up around seven to be at rehearsal in plenty of time to warm-up. In dance warming up your muscles is the most important device to do before beginning, as it helps you stay clear of any possible injuries. After warming up Jennifer, the choreographer, teaches them the dance and makes sure that every move ?flows? with the body of the person dancing it. She claims that ?the dancers must be comfortable with the shapes that they dance.? After hours of strenuous practice the dancers receive a five-minute break to cool off and grab a bite to eat. Normally the meal the dancers would eat on break would consist of some fruit and maybe a small sandwich. Jennifer would then announce ?Okay breaks over?, and the worn out bodies would slowly, but surely get up and dance their hearts out until about one o'clock when they were allowed to l eave. Often times some of the duets would stay after to rehearse more to make sure that everything was flowing together as if they were one. After seven months of doing this everyday one would think that it would become extremely repetitious, however to the leads, opening night is well worth the wait. Bright red curtains wave as the dancers file in back stage for the first showing of ?Speeds? to start. The dancers are costumed in pure white linen to bring you the feeling of innocence. Everyone is extremely apprehensive about the show as the music begins to play and the curtains begin to be drawn open. Jennifer whispers one last good luck to the group as they begin to perform. The show goes on wonderfully and nothing unexpected happens for the next few showings. The last night of the show comes very quickly to the dancers as if it has all been a dream. The show ends and the dancers come out on stage for their last bow. As they look out into the audience and see the crowd cheering they realize what the seven months of stressful practicing was for. For the chance to get the feeling of a lifetime that you will never forget, and to feel that you have achieved something wonderful.